“Dhostan” is a drama revolving around the lives of Jai and Ram, who are raised by Baba, the owner of a mechanic shop. After Baba’s death, Ram takes over the shop, while Jai forms a close friendship with Nithya. The plot takes a dark turn when Nithya and Riya are raped by a college student, who is the son of a powerful figure known as Bhai. The story follows their struggle to bring justice and save the girls from further harm. Unfortunately, there is no available information on the streaming platforms, or further updates about this movie at the moment.
Dhostan Box Office Collection
Day 1 ( Fri )
Day 2 ( Sat )
Day 3 ( Sun )
Day 4 ( Mon )
Day 5 ( Tue )
Day 6 ( Wed )
Day 7 ( Thu )
Week 1 Collection
₹ 5 L
₹ 7 L
₹ 10 L
₹ 4 L
₹ 4 L
₹ 4 L
₹ 3 L
₹ 37 L
India Box Office Collection = ₹ 1.36 Cr
World Wide Box Office Collection= ₹TBA
Dhostan Movie Budget : ₹ 1.26 Cr
Dhostan Movie All Rigts Profit : ₹ 2.8 Cr
Dhostan Movie Overall Profit : ₹ 4.06 Cr
Dhostan Movie Hit or Flop : HIT
Dhostan Cast, Release Date, OTT, Review, Trailer, Music, Director
Genre | Action, Drama |
Language | Telugu |
Cast | Sidswaroop Pujari |
Director | Suryanarayana Akkammagari |
Producer | Suryanarayana Akkammagari |
Music | Yelendher Mahaveer |
Editor | Pradeep Chandra |
Release Date | 02 December 2022 |
OTT Release Date | TBA |
OTT Platform | TBA |
Budget | 1.26 Cr |
Writter | Sidswaroop Pujari |
Dhostan Teaser
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: The Box Office Data have been compiled from a variety of sources as well as our own research. These data can be approximate and Cinefry does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.
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About The Author
Vignesh Muthu
Vignesh Muthu is a content writer at Cinefry, specializing in All Language Box Office Collection and Actors Biography. Passionate about writing, he has a keen interest in entertainment and is dedicated to providing insightful and engaging content for his audience.