The Hindi movie Bardovi is a psychological thriller featuring Chhaya Kadam, Chittaranjan Giri, Virat Madake, Neel Sheth, and Shreya Athanikar. Directed by Karan Shivajirao Chavan and produced by Ammit Ashokrao Jadhav and Arjun Ammit Jadhav, the film is scheduled for release on 02 August 2024. With a budget of ₹5 Cr, the music is composed by Aishwarya Malgave. The cinematography is handled by Vikram Tanajirao Patil, and the editing is done by Chandrashekhar Bapu Gurav. The OTT release date and platform are yet to be announced.
Bardovi Movie Collection, Budget and Box Office Collection, Review, Cast & Crew, Release Date, Trailer
Bardovi Box Office Collection
Day Wise | Collection |
Day 1 ( Fri ) | ₹ 4 L |
Day 2 ( Sat ) | ₹ 5 L |
Day 3 ( Sun ) | ₹ 5 L |
Day 4 ( Mon ) | ₹ 3 L |
Day 5 ( Tue ) | ₹ 2 L |
Day 6 ( Wed ) | ₹ 2 L |
Day 7 ( Thu ) | ₹ TBA |
Week 1 Collection | ₹ 21L |
India Gross Box Office Collection = ₹ 21 L
India Net Box Office Collection = ₹ TBA
World Wide Box Office Collection= ₹ TBA
Bardovi Hindi Movie Budget : ₹ 5 Cr
Bardovi Movie Cast & Crew, OTT Release Date
Genre | Psychological, Thriller |
Language | Hindi |
Cast | Chhaya Kadam Chittaranjan Giri Virat Madake Neel Sheth Shreya Athanikar |
Director | Karan Shivajirao Chavan |
Producer | Ammit Ashokrao Jadhav Arjun Ammit Jadhav |
Music | Aishwarya Malgave |
Release Date | 02 August 2024 |
OTT Release Date | TBA |
OTT Platform | TBA |
Budget | 5 Cr |
Cinematography | Vikram Tanajirao Patil |
Collection | TBA |
Editor | Chandrashekhar Bapu Gurav |
Bardovi Movie Trailer
Bardovi Movie Songs
Disclaimer: The Box Office Data have been compiled from a variety of sources as well as our own research. These data can be approximate and Cinefry does not make any claims about the genuineness of the data.
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About The Author
Winston is a content writer and Dubbed Movies Specialist at Cinefry, known for his passion for writing and keen interest in entertainment. He excels in creating engaging content, particularly focused on the world of dubbed movies, and keeps his audience informed about the latest trends and updates in the industry.