Bigg Boss 17, which premiered on October 15, has a slew of new faces. One of the most controversial reality programmes on Hindi small screen is based on the theme of ‘Dil, Dimaag aur Dum’ this time. The house, in addition to many intriguing and novel features, has a European design. Contestants on the reality show have been involved in a number of controversies. The house includes some well-known television couples such as Ankita Lokhande-Vicky Jain and Aishwarya Sharma-Neil Bhat, as well as solitary candidates such as Munawar Faruqui, Abhishek Kumar, and others. Let’s take a look at the names that are making waves this season. Netizens are already cheering for their favourite teams.
Bigg Boss 17 Contestants Name List, Elimination List
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Competing |
Bigg Boss 17 Hindi Telecast Details
Show | Bigg Boss |
Host | Salman Khan |
Producer | TBA |
TV Channel | Colors Tv |
Streaming Partner | Jio Cinemas |
Start Date | 15 October 2022 |
Timing | 10:00 PM - 11:00 PM - Week Days 9:30 PM -11:00 PM - Week End |
Presenter | TBA |
No of Season | 17 |
No Of Episode | 105 |
Bigg Boss 17 Host Name
Salman Khan
Bigg Boss 17 Contestants Salary List
Contestant Name | Salary Per Week |
4 Lakhs/ Week | |
3.5 Lakhs/ Week | |
5 Lakhs/ Week | |
3.5 Lakhs/ Week | |
4.5 Lakhs/ Week | |
4 Lakhs/ Week | |
3 Lakhs/ Week | |
4 Lakhs/ Week | |
5 Lakhs/ Week | |
4.5 Lakhs/ Week | |
4 Lakhs/ Week | |
3.5 Lakhs/ Week | |
4 Lakhs/ Week | |
3.5Lakhs/ Week | |
3.5 Lakhs/ Week | |
4 Lakhs/ Week | |
4 Lakhs/ Week |
Bigg Boss 17 promo
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About The Author
Vasanth M
Vasanth is a content writer and Actor Biography Data Tracker at Cinefry, passionate about writing and deeply interested in entertainment.