“Kaduva,” directed by Shaji Kailas, is a 2022 Malayalam action-thriller starring Prithviraj Sukumaran in the lead role. The screenplay was written by Jinu V. Abraham, with Vriddhi Vishal, Samyuktha Menon, and Vivek Oberoi also playing prominent roles.
Set in the late 1990s, the film follows the life of a young rubber planter from Kottayam and his rivalry with a high-ranking police officer. The film is produced by Supriya Menon and Listin Stephen under the banners Prithviraj Productions and Magic Frames. Cinematography is by Sujith Vaassudev and Abinandhan Ramanujam, and editing is by Shameer Muhammed.
“Kaduva” began streaming on Amazon Prime on August 22, 2022, and was a huge hit. The director and actor are expected to announce a new project together soon.
Kaduva Box Office Collection All Languages
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
₹ 2.7 Cr
₹ 2.05 Cr
₹ 2.45 Cr
₹ 2.9 Cr
₹ 1.04 Cr
₹ 0.79 Cr
₹ Cr
India Box Office Collection = ₹ 11.93 Cr
World Wide Box Office Collection= TBA
Kaduva Release Date, OTT, Cast, Review, Trailer, Music, Director
Genre | Action, Drama |
Language | Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu |
Director | Shaji Kailas |
Music Director | Music Director |
Cast | Prithviraj Sukumaran, Vivek Oberoi, Samyuktha Menon, Vriddhi Vishal |
Screenplay | Jinu Abraham |
Cinematogarphy | Sujith Vasudev |
Editing | Shameer Muhammed |
Release Date | 7 July 2022 |
Producer | Supriya Menon, Listin Stephen |
Budget | 20 -30 Cr |
OTT Release Date | 05 August 2022 |
OTT Platform | Amazon Prime |
Kaduva Trailer
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: The Box Office Data have been compiled from a variety of sources as well as our own research. These data can be approximate and Cinefry does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.
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About The Author
Vignesh Muthu
Vignesh Muthu is a content writer at Cinefry, specializing in All Language Box Office Collection and Actors Biography. Passionate about writing, he has a keen interest in entertainment and is dedicated to providing insightful and engaging content for his audience.