KambliHula is an upcoming action film directed by Navan Srinivas, known for his acclaimed short films Gonicheela and Jodi Kudre. The film features theater artist Anjan Nagendra in the male lead role, with Ashvita Hegde starring as the female lead. The supporting cast includes Rohit Kumar, Deepak Rai, Sandhya Arakere, and Sampath Shetty. Produced by Gray Square Studios, the film does not yet have updates regarding its streaming platform or a potential sequel.
Kamblihula Box Office Collection
Day 1 ( Fri )
Day 2 ( Sat )
Day 3 ( Sun )
Day 4 ( Mon )
Day 5 ( Tue )
Day 6 ( Wed )
Day 7 ( Thu )
Week 1 Collection
Day 8 ( Fri )
Day 9 ( Sat )
Day 10 ( Sun )
Day 11 ( Mon )
₹ 5 L
₹ 6 L
₹ 8 L
₹ 4 L
₹ 4 L
₹ 3 L
₹ 2.5 L
₹ 32.5 L
₹ 1.5 L
₹ 2 L
₹ 2.5 L
₹ 1 L
World Wide Box Office Collection= ₹ 39.5 L
India Box Office Collection = ₹TBA
Kamblihula Movie Budget : ₹ 3 Cr
Kamblihula Hit or Flop : Average
Kamblihula Cast, Release Date, OTT, Review, Trailer, Music, Director
Genre | Drama, Romance |
Language | kannada |
Cast | Anjan Nagendra, Ashwitha Hegde Rohith Kumar Deepak Rai Panaje Sandhya Arakere Sampath Jayaram |
Director | Navan Sreenivas |
Producer | Saveen Puneeth Guru Vijay |
Music | Shiva Prasad |
Written By | Navan Sreenivas |
Cinematogarphy | Satish Rajendran |
Release Date | 04 November 2022 |
OTT Release Date | TBA |
OTT Platform | TBA |
Budget | 3 Cr |
Editor | Jithendra Nayaka Raghavendra T.K |
Action: | A. Vuay Different Danny |
Art | Sudarshan Batkala, Vinay Kammaragatte |
Kamblihula Trailer
Kamblihula Songs
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: The Box Office Data have been compiled from a variety of sources as well as our own research. These data can be approximate and Cinefry does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.
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About The Author
Vignesh Muthu
Vignesh Muthu is a content writer at Cinefry, specializing in All Language Box Office Collection and Actors Biography. Passionate about writing, he has a keen interest in entertainment and is dedicated to providing insightful and engaging content for his audience.