Once Upon A Time In Madras is an upcoming Tamil thriller directed and written by Prasadh Murugan, produced by Captain MP Anand under the banner of Friday Film Factory. The film features an ensemble cast, including Bharath, Pavithra Lakshmi, Abirami, Anjali Nair, and Shaan A, with music composed by Jose Franklin. The cinematography is helmed by K.S. Khalidoss and Kanna R, while editing is handled by Sam Rdx. Set against the backdrop of Chennai’s iconic Koovam River, the story follows the chilling events triggered by the tragic death of 9-year-old Dinesh, who is shot in a fit of rage by retired army officer Krishnaraja. As Krishnaraja disposes of the gun in the river, its discovery by a few individuals sets off a series of unexpected twists and consequences. With a gripping narrative and intense performances, Once Upon A Time In Madras promises to be a riveting thriller. The film, made on a budget of ₹6 crore, is slated for release on December 13, 2024, with its OTT release details yet to be announced.
Once Upon A Time In Madras Tamil Movie Box Office Collection, Budget and Collection, Release Date, Cast and Crew, Review, Wiki
Once Upon A Time In Madras Movie Box Office Collection
Day Wise | Collection |
Day 1 ( Fri ) | ₹ TBA |
Day 2 ( Sat ) | |
Day 3 ( Sun ) | |
Day 4 ( Mon ) | |
Day 5 ( Tue ) | |
Day 6 ( Wed ) | |
Day 7 ( Thu ) | |
Week 1 Collection |
India Net Box Office Collection = ₹ TBA
India Gross Box Office Collection = ₹ TBA
World Wide Collection= ₹ TBA
Once Upon A Time In Madras Movie Budget : ₹ 6 Cr
Once Upon A Time In Madras Movie Hit or Flop : TBA
Once Upon A Time In Madras Movie Review : Read Here
Once Upon A Time In Madras Movie Cast Name With Photo
Once Upon A Time In Madras Movie Cast & Crew, OTT Release Date, OTT Platform
Genre | Hyperlink Thriller |
Language | Tamil |
Cast | Bharath |
Director | Prasadh Murugan |
Producer | Captain MP Anand |
Music | Jose Franklin |
Release Date | 13 December 2024 |
OTT Release Date | TBA |
OTT Platform | TBA |
Budget | 6 Cr |
Cinematography | K.S. Khalidoss Kanna R |
Collection | TBA |
Editor | Sam Rdx |
Synopsis | In Chennai, along the Koovam River, 9-year-old Dinesh's life ends tragically when he's shot by retired army officer Krishnaraja in a fit of rage. Confusion ensues as the police investigation fails to identify the shooter. Krishnaraja disposes of the gun in the river, but its discoveries to few people sets off a chain of events with unforeseen consequences. |
Production Company Name | Friday Film Factory |
Writer | Prasadh Murugan |
Once Upon A Time In Madras Movie Trailer
Disclaimer: The Box Office Data have been compiled from a variety of sources as well as our own research. These data can be approximate and Cinefry does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.