Parari, a Tamil political drama directed by Ezhil Periyavedi and produced under Kala Films Private Limited, is set against the backdrop of rural Tamil Nadu. The film explores a heated feud between two neighboring villages, exacerbated by caste disparities and economic struggles, with political heads manipulating the conflict for their gain. The story revolves around Maran (Harisankar), a resilient man from a marginalized community, and Jai Kumar (Brem Nath), whose personal animosity toward Maran intensifies the ongoing discord. As Devaki (Sangeetha Kalyan) tries to bridge the divide with her love for Maran, political tensions and societal challenges threaten their bond. The narrative takes a gripping turn when Maran and Jai Kumar are forced to migrate to a city, seeking a livelihood at a juice factory, only to face further political exploitation and violence. Featuring a compelling score by Sean Roldan and striking visuals by cinematographer Sridhar G, Parari is a powerful tale of unity and humanity overcoming divisive politics, releasing on 22 November 2024.
Parari Tamil Movie Box Office Collection, Budget and Collection, Release Date, Cast and Crew, Review, Wiki
Parari Movie Box Office Collection
Day Wise | Collection |
Day 1 ( Fri ) | ₹ TBA |
Day 2 ( Sat ) | |
Day 3 ( Sun ) | |
Day 4 ( Mon ) | |
Day 5 ( Tue ) | |
Day 6 ( Wed ) | |
Day 7 ( Thu ) | |
Week 1 Collection |
India Net Box Office Collection = ₹ TBA
India Gross Box Office Collection = ₹ TBA
World Wide Collection= ₹ TBA
Parari Movie Budget : ₹ 3 Cr
Parari Movie Cast Name With Photo
Parari Movie Cast & Crew, OTT Release Date, OTT Platform
Genre | Political, Drama |
Language | Tamil |
Cast | Harisankar as Maran |
Director | Ezhil Periyavedi |
Producer | Harisankar |
Music | Sean Roldan |
Release Date | 22 November 2024 |
OTT Release Date | TBA |
OTT Platform | TBA |
Budget | 3 Cr |
Cinematography | Sridhar G |
Collection | TBA |
Editor | Sam Rdx |
Synopsis | Unfolds in rural Tamil Nadu, where two neighbouring villages grapple with a prolonged dispute over a small hill of symbolic significance. Caste disparities and economic challenges intensify the feud, manipulated by the cunning political heads seeking personal gain.The central figures Maran and Jai Kumar find themselves entangled in this web of conflict. Maran, hailing from a “Soo called” lower caste faces repeated attempts on his survival by Jai Kumar due to personal animosity. Despite Devaki's affection for Maran, Jai Kumar's interference in their love strains their relationship.The narrative takes an unexpected turn as political tensions arise when they migrate to a nearby city to work at a juice factory for their lively hood. However, they are forced to unite against political manipulation and violence unleashed on them. Will unity and humanity prevail over divisive politics |
Production Company Name | Kala Films Private Limited |
Writer | Ezhil Periyavedi |
Production Company Name | Kala Films Private Limited |
Parari Movie Trailer
Disclaimer: The Box Office Data have been compiled from a variety of sources as well as our own research. These data can be approximate and Cinefry does not make any claims about the authenticity of the data.