Once Upon A Time In Madras is an upcoming Tamil thriller directed and written by
Parari, a Tamil political drama directed by Ezhil Periyavedi and produced under Kala Films Private
Kozhipannai Chelladurai is a Tamil drama set in the scenic Thenni District, directed by Seenu
The upcoming Tamil fantasy thriller Aaragan is set to release on 04 October 2024. Directed
The upcoming Tamil rural drama Nandhan, directed, written, and produced by Era Saravanan under the
The upcoming film, releasing on September 5, 2024, is a multi-language action-drama-thriller directed by Venkat
Mr. Bachchan is an upcoming Telugu action, drama, and thriller film scheduled for release on
Double iSmart is an upcoming multilingual action, sci-fi, thriller releasing on 15 August 2024. Directed
Thangalaan is an upcoming multilingual action-adventure historical film, releasing in Tamil, Hindi, Telugu, and Malayalam
Demonte Colony 2 is an upcoming Tamil and Telugu horror-thriller film set to release on